SAA Resolution on Diversity

WHEREAS issues of diversity are significant and ongoing concern of the SAA membership and the archival profession,

WHEREAS SAA has made a commitment to diversity by establishing the 1996 Task Force on Diversity and accepted the recommendations of the Task Force,

WHEREAS SAA Council has adopted the Task Force's Position Statement on Diversity and posted it on the SAA Web site,

WHEREAS 2003 marks the 5th anniversary of the acceptance of the Task Force on Diversity's recommendation,

BE IT RESOLVED SAA Council will explore and report to the membership the status of diversity in the Society and efforts made by the Society since 1998 Task Force recommendation,

AND BE IT RESOLVED SAA Council established goals and benchmarks to measure the Society's efforts in the area of diversity and report periodically to the membership.

Submitted by the former members of 1996 Task Force on Diversity

Brenda Banks, Chairperson
Deborah Mieko Burns
Anne Diffendal
John Fleckner
Karen L. Jefferson
Joan Krizack
Kathleen Roe

Passed unanimously at the Annual Business Meeting of the Society of American Archivists, August 23, 2002.