William Maher

William Maher was named University Archivist emeritus and Professor of Library Administration in 2023 after holding that position at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign from 1995 to 2022. He was Assistant University Archivist at UIUC from 1977 through 1995.  During a 1985-86 leave, he served as Program Officer related to library and archives projects at the National Endowment for the Humanities (1985-86). He has been Vice-President / President (1996-97 / 1997/98) and Treasurer (1991-94) of the Society of American Archivists (SAA); and President and Secretary-Treasurer of the Midwest Archives Conference. In the International Council on Archives (ICA), he was a member of the Executive Board of 2011-18 and Chair (2010-18 ) of the ICA’s Section on the Archives of Universities and Research Institutions.  He holds degrees from Case Western Reserve University, Washington University, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.  As the author of one book and 28 articles, he is a regular speaker on archives and history, cultural heritage, university archival administration, and copyright law.  Since 2000 he has regularly taught SAA’s one-day and two-day workshops on Copyright Law for Archivists.  Since 2011, Maher has served as the Head of Delegation to represent SAA at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

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