2003 Annual Report

2003-2004 Student Members:
Nate Albee
Elizabeth Borja, President
Anne Burke
Catherine Cates
Tom Connors, Faculty
Bruce Dearstyne, Faculty Advisor
Anthony Dellureficio
Kevin Stone Fries
Tammy Hamilton
Lindsay Harris
Brandy Hughes
Jennifer Johnson
Joni L. Jones
David Kates
Paula Larich
Megan Lewis
Jacqueline Lussier
Michael Maggioncalda
Liz McAllister, Treasurer
Scott Prouty
Jill Reilly
Kristin Reschke
Rob Roensch
Beth Schuster
Julie Schweitzer, Secretary
Ariel Segal
Daniel Shiffner
Claire Uziel
John Wilmer


February 10, 2003: CLIS Student Group Schmooze
A social event where SAM members chatted with members of other library and information science student groups such as SLA, ASSIST, and the School Media group.

February 28, 2003: Tour of the New National Public Broadcasting Archives
A tour of the new facilities at National Public Broadcasting Archives.

March 11, 2003: “Possession” and Tea Party
SAM members gathered for a tea party and watched Posession, a film about literary scholars in England on the manuscript trail left by two Victorian poets.

March 12, 2003: Annual Booksale and Bakesale
Annual fundraiser supplied and staffed by SAM members.

April 7, 2003: Annual Alumni Pizza Party
CLIS alumni spoke about their work experiences in the archival world during a pizza party.

April 11, 2003: Tour of Archives Center at National Museum of American History
Tour of the Archives Center with chief archivist, John Fleckner.

August 3, 2003: Annual Summer BBQ/Picnic
Current, future, and past SAM members enjoyed a summer picnic in the park.

September 11, 2003: September Schmooze, co-sponsored by SAM, the Special Libraries Association (SLA), and the School Library Media Specialist Student Association
New students in the various information sciences tracks met with representatives from student groups over light refreshments.

September 30, 2003: HiLS Brown Bag Lunch
Returning HiLS students answered new HiLS students’ questions about the joint History/Library Science program and shared information and experience.

September 15, 2003: SAM Welcome Meeting
An introductory meeting for new members, the meeting provided an opportunity to meet other archives students and discuss upcoming events.

October 15, 2003: MARAC DC Archives Caucus Fair
The DC Chapter of MARAC hosted their annual archives fair to celebrate archives week. Several SAM members attended.

October 18, 2003: Maryland Renaissance Festival
A trip to the Maryland Renaissance Festival was a chance to have fun and enjoy some live history.

November 21, 2003: Tour of National Agricultural Library (NAL)
A tour of the NAL focusing on procedures for doing research in special collections, policies regarding use of materials, collection concentrations, current exhibits, and student internship and employment opportunities.

December 4, 2003: Maryland MARAC Caucus Meeting/Jim Henson Exhibit
SAM students attended the joint DC-Maryland MARAC caucus meeting to get a brief intro to and overview of the Jim Henson Designs & Doodles exhibit in the Maryland Room Gallery and screen the accompanying video.