Resolution Honoring Studs Terkel

February 2, 2010

WHEREAS Louis "Studs" Terkel made outstanding contributions to archival oral history; to the National Gallery of the Spoken Word, based at Michigan State University; and to Chicago’s cultural record at the Chicago History Museum; and

WHEREAS sound recordings in general, and oral history recordings in particular, have established a significant and rapidly increasing presence within multimedia archives; and

WHEREAS the Studs Terkel Center for Oral History (at the Chicago History Museum) presents both a case study and an examination of one of the country’s most important and popular oral history archives; and

WHEREAS the SAA Oral History Section recognized Studs Terkel during SAA's 61st Annual Meeting, August 25-31, 1997, in Chicago, and as an expression of our gratitude presented Mr. Terkel with a Certificate of Appreciation; and

WHEREAS the SAA Oral History Section endorsed the Studs Terkel Plenary Session "Free Speech, Free Spirit: The Studs Terkel Center for Oral History" at SAA's 71st Annual Meeting, August 28-September 2, 2007, in Chicago; and

WHEREAS Studs Terkel's work has been an inspiration to so many of us, and has effectively served to promote oral history and heighten the general awareness of its uniqueness and value; and

WHEREAS Studs Terkel has given a voice to many people whose stories wouldn't have otherwise been told and has inspired many to record those voices and preserve those stories; and

WHEREAS this resolution will enhance appreciation for the value of the oral history process in general and for the contributions and significance of Studs Terkel's work in the field of archival oral history;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Society of American Archivists recognizes and honors Louis "Studs" Terkel for his outstanding contributions to the field of oral history and to the archives profession by preserving the cultural record through the spoken word.